  Sorry. This has got to be me just not seeing the right way about
this. What do I have to do on my Gentoo AMD64 machine with a working
CUPS printer to share it with other Gentoo desktop machines here at

  I have a working CUPS printer on my machine. I want to print to it
from my wife and son's machines. I've been trying to figure out how to
set that up but cannot get the right configuration. It seems that the
Gentoo Printing Guide is somewhat silent on this.


  On the machine with the printer I've done what I think the guide
has asked for, modified for my network IP addresses:

<Location />
Order Deny,Allow
Deny From All
Allow From
Allow From 192.168.1.*

Port 631
(make sure the next two lines are commented out)
#Listen localhost:631

  At this point I believe I'm supposed to set up IPP printing on the
remote machines but everything I've tried there results in messages
about the printer not being found, not responding, not existing, etc.
I'm telling CUPS that it's an IPP printer and trying addresses like:


However when I try to print to it I get messages in CUPS like:

"Destination printer does not exist!"

  I'm sure it's just me not understanding the right way to input the
printer's address.

Thanks in advance,
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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