Alan McKinnon wrote:
On Monday 16 October 2006 00:02, fire-eyes wrote:
I am interested in getting hardware acceleration, if that's the right
term, with xorg 7.1 and xorgs radeon drivers. I tried this a while
ago but it meant a lot of messing with cvs software and goofing with
header files, it was a pain. Hopefully it's easier now.

lspci lists my card as GA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc
M22 [Radeon Mobility M300], the more common name is x300.

Any pointers out there? I am not interested in ati-drivers as they
reliably hang my laptop, and do it hard.

What laptop do you have? My Dell Latitude D810 uses the same card and all ati-drivers in the 8.20 series work well for me. Perhaps you have an exotic setting in xorg.conf?

To the best of my knowledge, the OSS radeon driver does not provide 3D acceleration (yet), but things are improving in this area. To enable it, you need to include it in the VIDEO_CARDS variable in /etc/make.conf and specify it as the Device driver in xorg.conf as usual.

I don't track the daily progress of the radeon driver any more, so if anyone else knows how to get it to do reliable 3D, feel free to correct me :-)


Using a IBM (yes, it says IBM on it ;p) Thinkpad T43. As for the closed drivers, I have zero intentions of touching them again anytime soon, those things regularly lock my system up so hard i've had severe filesystem damage. I have heard the same from more than one thinkpad T43 owner unfortunately, it's just not worth the hassle.

Thanks for the reply :)
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