you just have to rerun grub setup.

On 10/30/06, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Usually when installing a portable, I leeave the windows and resize the disk
space to set up gentoo as the second OS with grub......

On one portable, The windows XP was a pain so I nuked it and got gentoo
working first.  Now I need to install XP on the portable, but do not
wish XP to rewrite he MBR or any other such nefarious acts against the
gentoo partitions.

Any suggestions as to best methods are most appreciated. Heres the part info:
/dev/hda2        /boot   reiserfs        defaults        1 2
/dev/hda5        none    swap            sw              0 0
/dev/hda6        /       reiserfs        defaults        0 1
/dev/hda7     /usr/local reiserfs        defaults        0 1

hda1 is reserved for XP

Here's the portion of grub.conf already set up for gentoo & XP:

title= Linux 2.6.17-gentoo-r8
kernel /boot/kernel-2.6.17-gentoo-r8 root=/dev/hda6

title=Possible Windows P1
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

So I thinking after installing XP in the first partition,
all I have to do is execute/copy something to set up
the MBR so it sees grub.conf again, whilst XP is booted



I thinking I just need to copy this

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