> All of the laptop's data has now been moved to the desktop system over
> the network.  I still don't see how I can move the data back to the
> laptop after reformatting it.  Is buying the laptop hard drive adapter
> the only way?

Please try not to top post in this ML.

Sorry about that.  In another stroke of bad luck my desktop's mouse
stopped working at the same time my hard drive started acting up so
I've been tabbing around firefox and using Gmail's "Quick Reply" which
(predictably) top-posts.  The mouse is working again now.

Boot your laptop using a Linux LiveCD.  Mount your hard drive (e.g.
mount /dev/hda /mnt/hda. Start sshd.  Go to your desktop and run something

cat archive_file.bz2 | ssh -c blowfish [EMAIL PROTECTED] "cd /mnt/hda ;
tar -xjpvf archive_file.bz2"

I guess my problem is getting the laptop back on the wireless-only
network with a madwifi card when the LiveCD doesn't have a net.ath0

I did just try chrooting into my laptop's /dev/hda3 copy on my desktop
system with:

chroot /home/grant/hda3 /bin/bash

and the vi command always seg faults.  Does that mean the /dev/hda3
image is done-for and I should just start the laptop over from scratch
and import my /etc/ and /home/ directories when it's re-installed?

- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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