On Monday 19 February 2007 11:43, Stroller wrote:
> On 18 Feb 2007, at 23:19, Mick wrote:
> > ... I am trying to
> > find out which WiFi cardbus to buy for my laptop.  I didn't have
> > much joy
> > with a Belkin and would like to get a card which has a chipset that is
> > supported well in Linux.
> >
> > Which chipsets have the more mature drivers?
> You don't state which model of Belkin you tried, but I can assure you
> that they do a "set" (USB, cardbus, PCI) of 802.11g cards that are
> excellently supported by the rt2500 drivers. These are excellent, are
> OSS & you can get them with `emerge rt2500`.

Well, I didn't want to bore you - I think I may have already posted about my 
troubles with it in the past.  It is a Belkin USB WiFi adaptor, Model No. 
K7SF5D7050A, which seems to have a RaLink chipset.  I have had some success 
running it with the rt2x00-9999 drivers from CVS and USE="rt2500usb" (the 
stable rt2500 crashed my system every time).  However, after Christmas the 
rt2x00 driver has not worked and keeps giving me kernel panics every time I 
plug it in the USB port, e.g.:


I suspect it may have something to do with the 2.6.19 kernel.  All different 
CVS builds that I have tried crashed.  Tried to install pre-Christmas builds 
from the archives, also crashed.  Hence I'm fed up being without WiFi for so 
long and thought of using an Amazon voucher I have handy to get myself a nice 
cardbus; but this time I would like to make sure that I have something which 
definitely works with Linux.

However, if you have any ideas to make my Belkin USB work again then I'll use 
that voucher for something else.  :)

Thank you all for your helpful advice and links.

> I recommend this card, but if you're outside the UK contact in
> advance regarding shipping:
> <http://networkned.co.uk/Belkin_Cardbus.php>
> FULL DISCLOSURE: I am involved with this supplier.

Having been burned once I would rather go for something which has matured 
enough to be in the kernel, if possible, but thank you for the suggestion all 
the same.


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