On Tuesday 06 March 2007 10:13, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 21:34:57 +0000, Mick wrote:
> > Since aplay is hard masked, what external player should I use?
> aplay is not masked, it is part of alsa-utils.

Oops, you're right.  I am (almost) sure it had been hard masked some time in 
the past, I remember emerge --sync telling me all about it.  Anyway, it seems 
that playsound now works fine and I have added -arts to my USE flags.

While we're at it I might as well share this little sound problem/feature with 

When my laptop boots up the sound is always muted.  To kick start it I need to 
either increase/decrease the volume (Master, or PCM) using alsamixer, or 
press the dedicated volume hardware buttons on the laptop keyboard.  It can 
get more weird too:  If I have launched an application that uses sound 
directly like e.g. Amarok, then in addition I need to increase the volume to 
100% to get sound from both speakers.  Otherwise only the RH speaker works.  
Does this all make any sense to you?

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