Mick said the following:
> Thank you all for your help, 
> It seems that there is something wrong with the fonts(?)  I have managed to 
> launch weatherforecast which works fine, but calendar and volume do not.  I 
> tried testing them and this is what I get:
>     raise ADESKLETSError(4,message)
> adesklets.error_handler.ADESKLETSError: adesklets command error - 
> font 'VeraBd/8' could not be loaded
> ==========================================
> Of course volume does not show up at all.  How do I fix this?

My guess is that it can't find the particular font that the volume
desklet wants.  I don't use that particular desklet, but chances are
pretty good that in the config.txt for it there will be a font setting.

You might want to try changing that to a font that you know you have, or
else emerging the font package that has that font.

Yep, the default config.txt for the volume applet specifies the VeraBd
font, with size 8.

Also, when I used the commands

$ slocate VeraBd  (to see if I had that font installed)
$ equery -b VeraBd (to see what package it came with)

(Those two commands are available via sys-apps/slocate and
app-portage/gentoolkit in portage).  I found that the VeraBd font comes
with the media-fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera package.

Good luck :)
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