Am Sonntag 17 Juni 2007 00:24 schrieb Thierry de Coulon:
> On Saturday 16 June 2007 22:55, Xavier Parizet wrote:
> > Coud you provide us the output of dmesg according forcedeth module (dmesg
> >
> > |grep forcedeth), route -n, ifconfig ethX and /etc/conf.d/net ...
> I could, but this is no more necessary
> On Saturday 16 June 2007 23:20, Uwe Thiem wrote:
> > A guess from what I have read on another list: You have a conflict
> > because both drivers (modules) are loaded, the RLT one and forcedeth. If
> > you remove the RLT module, does is work?
> >
> > Uwe
> Your guess was wrong, Uwe, but it did help me get on the right track.
> There is no RTL driver for that chip but... looking another time at the
> output of lsmod and getting the ansers to Xavier's demands I realized that
> I the system said that eth0 did not exists - but gave it an IP anyway. SO I
> wondered who could be stealing my eth0 and sure enough, it was eth1394!
> So although I did configure the ethernet card as eth0 during install, after
> reboot the firewire port took eth0 and the nforce card became eth1...
> So now I have put a (useless) config for eth0 in /etc/conf.d/net (perhaps I
> could remove it, but I don't know) and tranfered my settings on eth1, and I
> got my network back.
> Thanks you both for your help! Now is time to start emerge kde and go to
> bed!

You could 

rc-update del net.eth0 

as root to save some boot time.

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