070809 Albert W. Hopkins wrote:
> I'm sorry for the late response
> but the following will hopefully clear up some things.
> I am out of town all this week and all next week.
> I have no access to Gentoo's servers and limited access to the Internet.
> On top of that I am *very* busy ATM.
> There is a problem with the site that affected its operation.
> Since I could not be contacted, a decision was made
> to shut down packages.gentoo.org.
> I was not/could not be available for that decision and I apologize.

I don't see a need to apologise: thanks for the explanation,
which comes despite the fact that you're on the road & very busy.

> I also have had limited contact with other Gentoo devs.
> I'm told that most of the infra- group is away at LWE.
> So we are pretty short-staffed ATM.  Most people should be back next week
> and it should be pretty speedy to get the site back up,
> It does indicate that maybe we as an organization need
> to get our ducks better aligned.

Yes, most devs seem to be rather young --  c 25  seems the average age --
& there comes a time when you realise you can't rely on grownups anymore.
Perhaps there needs to be a "duty officer" (I've just been reading LeCarré),
who has the authority & some basic know-how to handle emergencies,
when everyone else is away on business or at conventions
(of course, the duty officer is often the start of the crisis
which Smiley has to sort out (grin)).

> This has nothing to do with Gentoo dying.

Of course not.  However, it is one of  3  similar items
which have been a bit disturbing to us users, however grateful we are:
the others are the absence of GWN -- still not being e-mailed --
& reports of missed deadlines for Foundation legal stuff.

I'm confident it wb all settled in a few weeks time
& again thanks for your & everyone's volunteer labors (big smile).

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