070810 Alexander Skwar wrote:
> You wrote: "(I've just been reading LeCarré)". Notice the letters "é".
> This looks quite a lot like UTF-8 to me.
> In your header, "you" are saying, that you don't use UTF-8, though.

I write e-mails with Gvim called up by Mutt (as now).
My Gvim settings (probably dating from some work with Esperanto) are

  25 multi-byte characters

  encoding -- character encoding used in Vim: "latin1", "utf-8"
        "euc-jp", "big5", etc.
        set enc=latin1
  fileencoding -- character encoding for the current file
        (local to buffer)
        set fenc=latin1
  fileencodings -- automatically detected character encodings
        set fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,default
  termencoding -- character encoding used by the terminal
        set tenc=utf-8

I entered the e-acute using 'ctl-v 233'.

It doesn't make much difference to me, but suggestions are always welcome.

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