Mick wrote:
>  - My /etc/vim/vimrc says scriptencoding utf-8, does this mean
> that this is the vim encoding and any new file will be saved with
> this encoding?

No, scriptencoding is just the encoding of /etc/vim/vimrc.  File 
encoding is handled by 'fileencodings' further down.

>  - If I open a file which was saved with ISO-8859-1, edit it and
> save it, will it keep the original encoding?

Yes.  Vim will never change the encoding of a file.  If you typed 
characters that don't fit in ISO-8859-1 (which can happen if you use 
a utf locale), you will get a CONVERSION ERROR upon writing the 
file, and 'quit' will refuse to quit without you forcing it.

>  - The vimrc says: " Make sure we have a sane fallback for
> encoding detection set fileencodings+=default"  I guess this is
> system default.  How can I find what is the default setting?

Open a new file and type ":set enc"; it will show the current 
(default) enconding.  This default is what LANG says.  See the 
output of 'locale'.

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