On (13/08/07 17:22) Grant wrote:
> Three of my systems are having package management trouble.  One of the
> systems does this after revdep-rebuild:
> All ebuilds that could satisfy "=sys-devel/gcc-4.1.1" have been masked.
Please post the output of: eix sys-devel/gcc
and: ls -ld /etc/make.profile
> but I don't know why it wants a masked version of gcc.  Another system
> wants to unmerge a bunch of crucial stuff with --depclean, including:
> x11-base/xorg-x11
> selected: 7.1
> protected: none
> omitted: none
> x11-apps/xdm
> selected: 1.0.5
> protected: none
> omitted: none
Manually put both in: /var/lib/portage/world file (backup it, just in
Seems you had "virtual/x11" which pulled all dependencies, but not
> If I do a pretend emerge of xorg-x11 and xdm, it want to upgrade a
> bunch of packages but 'emerge -pDuN world' find nothing.  I have this:
> # equery depends xorg-x11
> [ Searching for packages depending on xorg-x11... ]
> virtual/x11-7.0-r2 (>=x11-base/xorg-x11-7)
> The other system outputs a bunch of libtiff.la stuff about ImageMagick like:
> broken /usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.2.2/modules-Q16/filters/analyze.la
> (requires /usr/lib/libtiff.la)
Do you have a "tiff" USE-flag set ?
eix imagemagick
> but then says there is nothing to rebuild.  Can anyone help with
> fixing these problems?
> - Grant
> -- 
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HTH. Rumen
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