Hello Mick,

> Hmm, I'm not sure.  The question is which *is* the most secure distro,
> not which can be made the most secure.  A vanilla Gentoo installation
> (I know there is no such thing with Gentoo) has no firewall installed.
> Any application can open any port to the wind and especially with a
> poor security policy has the potential to expose the box to an attack.
> More so than a binary distro Gentoo relies on an intelligent
> configuration to be secure.

On the other hand, a "vanilla" Gentoo installation could be considered a
bare Stage 3, which has so little software installed it has to be the
most secure. Which only goes to show how meaningless such polls are.

Neil Bothwick

"Bother" said Rue, as his paranoia spread across the publicly accessible

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