On 08:31 Fri 28 Sep     , Patrick May wrote:
> I missed this thread earlier, so pardon me commenting to the OP so far down
> the thread.
> > > > On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 01:00:33 -0500, forgottenwizard wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > BTW, if anyone knows of a cheap tuner card (<50US preferably) that
> > > > > is decent and works with either PCI/USB/AGP, I would love to know.
> I'm currently using an air2pc card I picked up on eBay. I believe I paid
> around $20-30US. It pulls in all OTA ATSC signals just fine. I can't speak for
> it's abilities to work with QAM (Cable.) I'm controlling it with MythTV.
> Though I do recommend a decent processor. I used to run an Athlon 850MHz and
> it could not keep up with an HD (1080i, etc) signal. It will dump the stream
> to disk, just not display it (slow, pauses, etc.) 
> Patrick

I'm doing some looking and think I'm going to blow my budget and get a
Haup. PVR-150, which I know is supported.

Thanks for all of your help everyone.

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