On Thu, 8 Nov 2007, James wrote:

> If you do not like my opinion, you should look at what Daniel Robbins
> had to say, as I ran across a posting of his today, about this very
> issue. An awesome collection of techies does not gravitate users
> to join the ranks of distro users. A (easy) graphical installation
>  method is a requirement. Gentoo get's tons of bad reviews, 
> based on the installation process.

Personally, I think a graphical installer for Gentoo is a bad idea (yes, 
including the current one). What I want to see is:

1) Boot off of live CD
2) ROOT=/mnt/sda1 emerge system
3) ROOT=/mnt/sda1 emerge <other packages>
4) Reboot without CD

Installers are never any good. What you really want is the ability to 
update your system to correct the fact that it isn't actually there at 
all. Gentoo doesn't need a graphical installer. Gentoo needs an install 
process which is as close as possible to maintaining a Gentoo system after 
installation, because that would be a good introduction to Gentoo.

Of course, the initial emerge system would exit the first few times with 
instructions to configure stuff and try again, in the "fetch restriction" 
sort of way, but for partition layout and such, which it needs to have 
configured before it can partition, format, and mount your future root 
partition to install stuff on.

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