> > I don't know, now that I've set up shorewall on my router it seems
> > like a simple matter to set it up on another machine.  I should only
> > need to edit a few config files with very light additions.
> >
> > - Grant
> Understand - to be honest I have moved to shorewall on almost all my
> machines for uniformity, even though its rather more complex than
> needed.
> BillK

How does this /etc/shorewall/rules look for my router?

DNS/ACCEPT      $FW             net
Ping/REJECT     net     $FW
DNAT            net     loc: tcp     50000
DNAT            net     loc: udp     50000
ACCEPT          $FW     loc     icmp
ACCEPT          $FW     net     icmp

Does this reject ssh requests from the net zone or do I need to
specify that?  It looks like maybe there is another set of basic
ACCEPT/REJECT configs that this is modifying.  Does anyone know which
file that might reside in?  If this looks good I'll set up something
similar on the laptop.

- Grant
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