On 13 Dec 2007, at 20:53, Marzan, Richard non Unisys wrote:

I'm trying to get my Broadcom 4311 b/g card to work with the native kernel driver (bcm43xx) and b43-fwcutter but it's does not work. I placed the extracted firmware code in /lib/firmware and dmesg states that it failed to load the module. Has anyone gotten this card to work and how? Any link or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

From <http://linux.sgms-centre.com/misc/netiquette.php>

  When starting a new thread don't just reply to a message sent by
  someone else and clear the subject line. Not all e-mail and news
  clients behave like yours and will thread messages correctly based
  on the "Message-ID:", "In-Reply-To:" and "References:" headers
  embedded in the messages. Only programs which don't comply with
Internet standards sort messages by subject and call that "threading".
  When you simply change the subject of a message, all of the threading
  information remains intact and your new "thread" simply continues
  at the end of the old one. This is called thread hijacking.

  By doing this, you're shooting yourself in the foot twice over.
  First of all, people following a thread don't want to see unrelated
  messages cropping up in the middle of it. The most complacent will
  just delete your message without reading it, others will killfile
  you, some having complained to you asking you to learn how to post.
  Secondly, those who aren't interested in the hijacked thread and
  who have set their programs to ignore it won't even see your message.

  If you want to start a new thread then use your mailer's/newsreader's
  "New Message" function. This will start a fresh thread of your own
  without any traces of previous threads.


   Do not post in HTML. There are several reasons why posting in HTML
   is a bad idea. These links should help convince you why:

Sorry I'm unable to help with your problem.

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