On Monday 24 December 2007 19:36:13 Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 21:28:37 +0000, Stroller wrote:
> > It might be as simple as completing the `dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb`
> > and then using `fdisk` to delete the last partition, then recreate it
> > with the same start point (and a later end point). The filesystem
> > would then need to be resized. But I don't know if this will work,
> It will, I've done it myself. The main disadvantages are that you can
> only resize the last partition,and it is very slow (because dd copies
> every byte of the source drive, not jut the ones in use). Although I have
> used this method, I wouldn't do it again, I'd set up the partitions,
> copy with rsync and run grub to install it on the new drive.

Right I'm going to do it this way, in the morning, so if I'm wrong please feel 
free to shout at me over night:
1. make the new partitions and file systems on the new drive /dev/sdb
2. mount sdb1 (boot) and sdb3 (root)
3. copy sda1 to sdb1 and sda3 to sdb3 using rsync (I use rsync all the time to 
do backups so I'll stick with what I know)
4. swap the drives
5. boot with Live CD
6. (not sure about this bit) mount the boot partition (will this be sda1 or 
sdb1?) and root partition
7. chroot to the new disk
8. do env-update and source /etc/profile 
9. install grub (I'm assuming I wont have to change my grub.conf as everything 
is in the same place as before, relatively speaking)
10. reboot and get on with the rest of my day

Dr. Matthew R. Lee
Departamento de Ecologia,
P. Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Alameda 340, Santiago.
CP 6513677


URL: meiochile.matthewlee.org
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