On Monday 24 December 2007 18:31:16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm attempting to remove X from a former desktop machine now going to
> see action as a semi-DMZ.
> What is the best way to go about removing X and all its files.
> Removing the basic x11-base/xorg-x11 is easy enough but there appears
> to be dozens of other X related pkgs installed.
>   x11-proto/* has apparently dozens of relatives installed.
> emerge does not appear to accept globbing or maybe I'm just doing it
> wrong.

Yeah, emerge does not accept globbing. bash does though so you could just cd 
to /var/db/pkg and take advantage of that.

For paludis users there are arguments to help with this kind of thing. :)

   Uninstall options
       Options which are relevant for --uninstall.

       --with-unused-dependencies (--no-with-unused-dependencies)
              Also uninstall any dependencies of the target that are no longer

       --with-dependencies (--no-with-dependencies)
              Also uninstall packages that depend upon the target

Also paludis' equivalent for --depclean (--uninstall-unused) doesn't require 
you to upgrade everything. ;)

Bo Andresen

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