On Sunday 06 January 2008, Mick wrote:
> > It's now 48 hours and my old address hasn't been unsubscribed yet.
> > Anyone have an address for a list admin to investigate this
> > further?
> I don't I'm afraid . . . but you may want to sent a message to:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (substitute listname for user, or whichever
> ML you want to unsubscribe from)
> to see if there is a ML admin email address in the help message that
> will be sent to you.
> Another thing to try would be to unsubscribe completely from all your
> email addresses for a couple of days and see if that stops it.

I'm still battling with this, still getting dupe postings. It's like the 
list software is ignoring my mails.

Can anyone help? Anyone?

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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