Christopher Copeland <chrcop <at>> writes:

> > Yes, some help with udev rules or a slick trick via fstab is what I was
> > really after.  Or maybe something cool related to the usb buss and
> > a trick to *uniquely lable* usb devices.....

> Would using the UUID for the partition work for you?

> vol_id /dev/sdXX

> You can use UUID=blah in your fstab.


I'm not sure what the UUID  (Universally Unique ID)?

OK so here's what I have from lsusb:

Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0bc2:3000 Seagate RSS LLC

I not sure what the FStab entry would like like?
I use ntfs-3g for many of them. Currently, it's a
manual juggling act as to which device is called what
on the various systems. Very prone to mistakes
as there is no consistency as the devices are moved
between systems in an asymmetrical dance....

If I use a UUID, how do I 'burn/label/add' it to the 
device, so when it is moved to another system
it's UUID that I have created is recognized? Maybe use
the serial number as a unique (UUID) label? If so, I'd need
a tool/script/program to rip the serial number from the usb
buss..... and then compare it to the FStab or udev rules.
Maybe sd(serial-number) so they always show up uniquely?
Add cameras and audio devices, not to mention embedded programmers
and boards and I'm ready to .<>.

>From usbview:

Manufacturer: Seagate
Serial Number:             6QG1FYPA

Can you flesh out your idea with a little bit more detail?
(remember I have many usb devices and move them frequently between
windows and Gentoo systems).


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