On Wed, 9 Jan 2008 04:56:42 +0000 (UTC), James wrote:

> > > Or maybe something cool related to the usb buss and
> > > a trick to *uniquely lable* usb devices.....  

> I'd need
> a tool/script/program to rip the serial number from the usb
> buss..... and then compare it to the FStab or udev rules.
> Maybe sd(serial-number) so they always show up uniquely?
> Add cameras and audio devices, not to mention embedded programmers
> and boards and I'm ready to .<>.

This all seems to betting unnecessarily complicated. See 
http://www.reactivated.net/udevrules.php for an explanation of how to
write udev rules to give persistent naming based on any attribute of the
device, including serial numbers.

Neil Bothwick

Electric chairs are period furniture: they end a sentence

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