Thank you for the suggestions.  I wonder out loud whether the Ubuntu
kernel is using something like a genkernel install, with everything as
modules.  If so, in that case, how would one get a snapshot of what is
being utilized?


On Jan 9, 2008 11:00 PM, Mick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 January 2008, Alan E. Davis wrote:
> > Partly because I needed to print, and partly to rule out hardware
> > issues, I booted ubuntu 7.10, and installed.  No problem has been
> > encountered over the past few days of using ubuntu.  I can print, and
> > no lockups are encountered (so far, KOW).
> Clearly your Gentoo installation has some configuration issues, inc. your
> compiled kernels.  The initialisation scripts and misconfiguration of
> services at boot/default runlevels could be another problem causing it to
> choke.
> > This is distressing.  I enjoy not having to fiddle around, not
> > spending so much time maintaining the system, and it's almost
> > lightning quick to install packages!.  Perhaps I'll use Ubuntu for a
> > while---but I'd sure like to solve this problem.  I just tried an
> > incantation (kernel parameter) that had been recommended somewhere.
> > (noapic nolapic acpi=off pci=noacpi), but still got the same behavior.
> >  Sometime soon I'll try to recompile the kernel or back down to
> > 2.6.22.  (I'd only compiled 2.6.23 for this new motherboard).
> I suggest that you zcat your Ubuntu's .config file into your
> Gentoo's /usr/src/linux and then run make oldconfig.  That should give you
> the same kernel configuration which you can thereafter peruse at leisure.  At
> the same time I would copy over the CUPS configuration file from Ubuntu to
> Gentoo (but don't try that until you have proven that your new Gentoo kernel
> is still having problems printing).  You can even diff the two files to see
> if there are any significant differences in settings.
> HTH.
> --
> Regards,
> Mick

Alan Davis, Kagman High School, Saipan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"It's never a matter of liking or disliking ..."
       ---Santa Ynez Chumash Medicine Man
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