On Friday 11 January 2008, Qian Qiao wrote:
> ack to the installation CD issue, undoubtably, having a nice working
> installation CD for gentoo is desirable, but is it really needed? We
> are here to do what we are best at.
> LiveCD creators, Knoppix, for example, are good at creating liveCDs
> and keeping hardware support on those CDs up-to-date etc etc, we
> should take advantage of it.
> Gentoo has a huge package repository, I'd much rather see the devs
> focus on making that better, cos that's what they are good at.

Reading this, I had a thought: Most of the stuff available in gentoo 
comes from some upstream place in the grand Free Software tradition.

Considering that an installation LiveCD is really just a temporary 
bootable image that writes stuff to the disk (and that stuff happily 
turns out to be a permanent bootable image), how about we just treat 
Knoppix as an upstream package and add a relatively simple program to 
do the installation?

Essentially, it will ask some questions and unpack a stage 3/4 then tell 
the user to go and read 'man emerge'

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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