Neil Bothwick <neil <at>> writes:

> > If I reboot, I *may* loose the firewall completely, depending on what
> > the drive does. The only safe thing is to build another firewall before
> > rebooting the current firewall (then see if fsck will fix it).......

> Then don't reboot. Mount another drive somewhere temporary, copy the
> contents of /var to it, then unmount /var and mount the new drive
> on /var. Reformat the original filesystem and reverse the process.

Earlier I posted the partitions:
/dev/hda3              18G  2.1G   16G  12% /
udev                  125M  2.6M  123M   3% /dev
shm                   125M     0  125M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda1             393M   46M  347M  12% /boot

since /var is part of / (on the same partition) will this still work?

> > Either way, once I build a new firewall, I'm going to copy it
> > to CF and be done with these old ide drives.........

> Use a suitable filesystem, or the flash memory will die very quickly,
> especially if you put /var on it.

What would be the best file system to use on said CF HD to extend the life?
I usually use the reiserfs on  boot and root (simple partioning scheme).
But, I'm open to suggestions here.

The other thing I'm going to do is keep a master (k6) system with
a good HD for compiling updates and start  distributing binaries
to all of the other k6 (586) firewalls.... That should greatly
help extend the life too..... (any ideas on the caveats of this
scheme are most welcome).....


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