On Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:00:41 -0700
"Mark Knecht" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 12:22 AM, Jamie Dobbs
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been away from Gentoo for the last year or so and using Ubuntu
> > but find that I want to return to Gentoo simply because of the
> > level of customization that I can do with it.
> Well then, welcome back.
> <SNIP>
> >  Also I'm not running at Athlon X2 system, ifs there any _real_
> > advantage to running AMD64 or should I still to x86?
> I run an amd64 as my desktop system. It' started as my 3rd machine so
> at the time it was 64-bit for fun. today I just live with it. There
> are some limitations on the 64-bit platform with web-based media, but
> beyond that I find 32 and 64-bit machines to be pretty similar in
> performance. I run old windows games under Wine on 64-bit and they
> work OK. I think Flash and Java have been the two larger issues for me
> over time. A few win32codec issues also. However if I wanted to get
> around those I could probably do something in a chroot but I'm not
> that motivated.
> If I was building a desktop machine today I wouldn't build 64-bit. I
> see no advantage and a few disadvantages, but either way you go you'll
> probably be fine.

I use a 64 bit myself and have done so ever since I got tired of
running 32bit and wasting half my CPU.  I recommend running a 32bit
firefox, but other than that, there's no real problems here.  Wine
seems to run a little better in 64 bit than I've seen it perform on
other systems but it's hard to be sure.  

Anyhow, just wanted to say I switched from 64 to 32 originally, as Mark
suggested, and switched back very quickly.  I don't know if the speed
really changed, but it made me feel better about myself.  

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