Alan McKinnon wrote:
Portage handles SLOT updates by only considering the latest SLOT (unless you say otherwise). If I issue 'emerge kde-meta' on my box, portage wants to install kde-4.0.2 because that is the latest version (portage always wants to upgrade to the latest possible version even without SLOTs being involved). To update an earlier SLOT I have to use a minor syntax tweak:

emerge kde-meta:3.5

The ":" is the signal to look for a SLOT. Portage will update to the highest version in the 3.5 SLOT which happens to be 3.5.9 for me. (Aside: all we need do now is hope and pray that no package ever gets a : in it's name ... )

Quite obviously, in my case the following two commands are identical:

emerge kde-meta
emerge kde-meta:kde-4

In summary, the SLOT syntax is just a sensible extension of how portage deals with ranges of versions. Compare these and it all makes sense:

emerge foo
emerge >foo-1.0.0
emerge <=foo-2.3.4
emerge foo:1
emerge foo:2

Hope all this helps and it now makes a little more sense :-)

I learned something today. I didn't know about the *:* for slots. That's pretty cool. ;-)

I hope I don't forget what I learned today.   :-(


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