Alex Schuster wrote:
Anthony E. Caudel wrote:

I have an AMD 64x2 that I have been using only in x86 mode since I got
it.  I have been thinking of going to x86_64 mode but I'm wondering if
it's worth the trouble with multilib, chroot'ing, firefox-bin and other
compromises (admittedly some minor).  I realize I should see some speed
increase but probably only in certain areas such as compiling.
So, for those users who have used both, is it worth it overall?
Next thing I would never have thought of: the root file system was too small. I made it 500 MB bis, as /usr, /var, /opt, /tmp and /home are on LVM. A little small because of /root/.ccache, but I usually symlink that to somewhere else. But why is /lib/modules larger than 300 MB? I would expect this to be around 30 MB, which is double the size of these directories on my other system, but even ten times more than that? Is something wrong here? The installation handbook does not mention this, and also suggest a small root partition. The examplee shows 132 MB used there, this looks okay to me.

Here's my FS setup from df:

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb1             9.4G  7.2G  1.8G  81% /
/dev/hdb2             471M   27M  420M   7% /boot
/dev/hda2              31G  3.7G   25G  13% /usr/portage
/dev/mapper/vg_tmp    4.0G  154M  3.6G   5% /tmp
/dev/mapper/vg_var     11G  518M  9.8G   5% /var
/dev/mapper/vg_usr    9.9G  151M  9.2G   2% /usr/local
/dev/mapper/vg_opt    9.9G  505M  8.9G   6% /opt
/dev/mapper/vg_home    30G   26G  2.1G  93% /home

I have a few other partitions for things too, but the above covers the normal and essential. Additionally I have a couple gigs of swap space. YMMV

I also checked my lib size - which is about 53MB for /lib64, and 4.3MB for /lib32. /usr (including sub-mounts, e.g. local and portage) comes out to 11GB. /opt is 335 MB, and /var is 309 MB.

So I don't know what went wrong for you.

> Flash does not work (yet). I emerged netscape-flash and and
> nspluginwrapper, but firefox and konqueror do not have flash working.
> Did not investigate this further yet.

I've only really been able to get Flash working with the 32-bit Firefox binary. It will randomly work in the 64-bit Firefox build for some reason, but nothing consistent - and when it does, only one web page can use it at a time - not multi-tabs each with their own flash. Perhaps that's just a result of the nswrapper-plugin to make the 32-bit and 64-bit work together...not sure.

Any how...overall, it runs really well. I can't offer any advice on the video issues.


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