On Tue, 2008-03-25 at 15:18 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > As for the performances, could you tell me if there is a gap between
> > nv and the proprietary driver ? I Never tried the later.
> I'll let someone more current answer that - I haven't done head to
> head 
> comparisons on nvidia for ages. Last I heard, nv was still way behind 
> in terms of features supported, but that can change quite quickly.
> Anyone else got current info on this? It's a question I'm sure many
> folk 
> would like an answer on

The nv driver has *no* 3D acceleration and limited 2D acceleration due
to nVidia's refusal to release the specs needed to create a decent OSS

You can try the nouveau* drivers but they're still experimental.

* http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/


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