On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Jason Messerschmitt
> On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 1:43 PM, Justin Findlay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On AD 2008 July 02 Wednesday 02:20:30 PM -0400, doki_pen wrote:
>> > +2 on firefox3.  Faster, doesn't slow down after long use.  I really see
>> > the difference with javascript.  The engine is much faster.  Just try a
>> > js
>> > heavy page(like google apps).  I haven't had any crashes.  Only
>> > complaint
>> > is that flash blocker(or maybe flash itself) doesn't always work.  I
>> > have
>> > to reload a couple of times to get youtube to work.  Also, some plugins
>> > haven't been ported yet.  I compiled it, and here are my use flags:
>> I've been using FF3 for about 2 months, and although many things have
>> improved during the beta phase it is generally about as memory and CPU
>> heavy as FF2.  The only real improvement I've observed as far as
>> performance is concerned is javascript.  I wish there were a light
>> version available.  I've tried galeon and epiphany, but both lacked
>> features that I really like in FF and now that there is a great amount
>> of extensions available it is harder to justify using another browser.
>> Maybe it's time to switch back to konqueror.
> I've noticed an odd visual glitch with blogspot pages- it superimposes my
> desktop on some pages. It's a bit hard to explain so here's a pic. As far as
> I know it's only this page, but might be good fodder for some of you
> troubleshooters out there.

Lots of glitches with rendering some pages, its probably the
webmaster's fault, but FF2 works with them, so I switched back. Also
it is a little less memory and CPU hungry, but not that much. And, in
my EEE PC I use a LOT of extensions that make my life easier, and like
50% of them do not work on FF3.

I'll switch when FF3 is as good (for my personal use) as FF2.

Daniel da Veiga
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