On Wed, 16 Jul 2008 16:27:24 +0100
Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I use Evolution as my mail client. I receive Gentoo mailing list email
> at my GMail address, and access this email in Evolution over IMAP.
> I want Gentoo mailing list messages to go into a Gentoo mailing list
> folder in Evolution, and so I've setup an incoming mail filter to take
> all mail with a sender or recipient address matching
> '@lists.gentoo.org' and move it to my Gentoo mailing list folder.

I had a similar problem with Thunderbird and IMAP. The problem was that
"Sender" is not amongst the standard headers which TB retrieves per
default for newly arrived messaged. 
I had to somehow tell TB to "fetch all headers", don't remember exactly
how, since I'm using claws now.

> Despite ticking the 'Apply filters to new messages in INBOX on this
> server' check-box in the Evolution Account Editor, I have to highlight
> new email and click 'Apply Filters' in Evolution's 'Message' menu so
> that Evolution will actually move them to the desired folder.
> Can anyone help with this?

This is just a guess, i haven't used evolution actually, but look for
a retrieve option "fetch all mail headers" or something, it might be
the same issue.

Patric Schmitz
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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