On Friday 18 July 2008, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> Mick wrote:
> > [...]
> > For some reason on the 2.6.24-gentoo-r8 kernel the xf86-video-ati fails
> > to install any modules, hence this message.  I haven't configured this
> > box for ages so I may be misunderstanding something here.  Do I have to
> > switch to the kernel drivers?
> You need to compile a kernel with DRM + ATI Radeon support.  If you're
> not running this kernel in more than one machine, you can compile it in
> the kernel; no reason to make it a module.  If you intent to also try
> the proprietary driver, then you need to make it a module (because this
> driver provides its own DRM module.)

Right, found it - for some reason I had not emerged x11-base/x11-drm, which 
places the radeon.ko under /lib/modules/<kernel_name>/x11-drm/

module-rebuild would pick this up of course, but I suspect I hadn't run it 
after I compiled a kernel last time.

Better make a note of this for the future!

Thank you all for your help.  :)

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