On Wednesday 20 August 2008 19:48:30 James wrote:
> I have mostly the small MM packages on these system, but the one
> that will update only have one difference that I can find, that is
> no 'artsplugin-xine'.
> Is this possible; to just remove artsplugin-xine Even though
> Kde-meta 3.5.9 is installed? A good idea?

kde3* and kde4* both work just fine without arts - I have run my machines like 
that for years now. arts was nothing more than an utter piece of total 
excrement that never worked properly, the design is buggy, and it causes huge 
problems with non-kde apps that want to use sound. alsa does all that arts 
ever did and more.

Put "USE=-arts" in make.conf, remove all custom arts flags from package.use 
and remove everything with arts in it's name from world. Then run --depclean 
followed by the usual revdep-rebuild

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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