KH wrote:
> Joerg Schilling schrieb:
>> KH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> man says: dev=scsibus,target,lun
>>> #cdrecord -dao -v -gracetime=3 -dev=5,0,0 dvd.iso
>>> so then I only can run this as root. On the other hand there is a Average 
>>> write speed   7.3x.
>>> Running as user with the old command I only had 2.?x.
>> Sorry, but I don't understand your problem.
>> Please try to use a different wording
>> Jörg
> Hi,
> I am sorry for my bad English.
> I used to run all my cdrecord commands as user. I am unable to run the
> command in the format using dev=scsibus,target,lun as user (I can do so
> as root), but I am able to burn a cd as user when using dev=/dev/cdrom.
> With the first method the average write speed seems to be much faster
> than with the second one.
> I just wander if this is normal behavior. I always followed
> where it says:
> "[snip]Replace /<device>/ with your dvd device (for example
> /dev/dvd)[snip]" So the wiki seems to be wrong, isn't it?
> kh

Is the user you are attempting to run these commands as a member of the
cd and cdrw groups?  Usually if a command works as root but not a user,
it is a permissions problem which is fixed by being in the correct
group.  I say usually.


:-)  :-) 

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