Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> In Autumn 2004 this bug was not fixed but the SCSI Linux kernel interface
>>> was changed in an incompatible way. Now _some_ SCSI commands work as 
>>> non-root.
>>> SCSI is a try and error protocol and cdrecord checks which commands are 
>>> working.
>>> If it is possible to burn with the limuted non-root command set, it _may_ 
>>> work
>>> but there is a high risk for buffer underruns. In this case cdrecord 
>>> believes 
>>> that you own a really dumb burner that does not support most of the nice 
>>> features....
>>> Jörg
>> So that I have a better understanding of this, if he is not a member of
>> the cd/cdrw group then the command would still work as a user?
> Since the original security bug hass not been fxed, you are able so send
> a limit set of SCSI commands if you are able to open the device read-only.
> Libscg opens the devices read/write, so the only effect of such a grup 
> membership is that cdrecord is able to open the device.
> Jörg

Then what is the point of having a cd/cdrw group?  It doesn't seem to
have "secured" much of anything by having it.

Dale aka confused.  It's ok.  It's normal for me.

:-)  :-) 

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