On 2008-10-13, Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grant Edwards wrote:
> [snip]
>> There's a third option you haven't mentioned: two different
>> displays rather than a large virtual display spread across two
>> monitors.
> [snip]
>> Pros:
>>    * Mouse movement and focus still act like one large display.
>>    * Each display can have it's own set of virtual desktops and
>>      they can be switched indpendantly.
> Really?  When I set up separate X screens, changing virtual desktops on 
> one display (eg from "VD1" to "VD2") also changed it on the other display.

It probably depends on your window manager.  I'm using XFCE,
and switching "workspaces" as they're called in XFCE is
independant for the two displays.

>>    * Things like window-manager panels/docs/taskbars are managed
>>      separately for the two displays.
>>    * Displays can have different resolutions, sizes, depths.
> So can xinerama / twinview :)

I thought I had read somewhere that they had to have the same
depth at least.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! I'm having fun
                                  at               HITCHHIKING to CINCINNATI
                               visi.com            or FAR ROCKAWAY!!

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