On Monday 13 October 2008 13:53:49 YoYo siska wrote:
> tabletka ~ # equery hasuse xinerama | wc -l
> 285
> most of them are apps from kde-base/* (3.5.9), seems that it changed
> between 3.5.9 and 3.5.10, plus iwndow managers like fluxbox, openbox...

That looks better. I was convinced that most kde-3 apps had a xinerama USE 
flag, hence my 'emerge -e world' comment that Iain picked up on. 

I wonder why it was changed for KDE-3.5.10, it seems that Xinerama support is 
now automatically built for most of KDE-3 (deduced by examining the ebuild 
and ldd output)

> > Obviously, this understanding of mine is flawed. Which bit did I get
> > wrong?
> Xinerama consists basically of two parts, the protocol to communicate the
> position/sizes of screen between the Xserver and the applications (which
> you usually get by enabling the xinerama use flag) and an xserver part
> (module?) that you can use to set up the screens. What you said is
> correct for the Xserver setup part...

> You use either xinerama setup to put together completely different
> displays (might be different cards, such as one nvidia, one ati, ...)
> or twinview in case of a dualhead nvidia setup. But both this setups use
> the xinerama protocol to let the apps/wm know the placement of the
> monitors.

<penny drops>

OK, so there's a xinerama protocol and a xinerama lib and these are not the 
same thing

</penny drops>

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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