On Wednesday 29 October 2008 19:59:11 Alan McKinnon wrote:

> A last note on emerge's output, especially with blockers: the time spent
> to read all the portage pages (several times) is time very well spent. I
> recommend when next you get blockers, is to rerun emerge with -t and take
> note of what packages cause a blocker to be pulled in or up|downgraded.
> make a list of everything involved and read the ebuilds. Plot it all out
> with pen and pencil, do this repetitively till you have a lightbulb
> moment where it all suddenly makes sense.

Sound advice, but it didn't help me last week. I had to take a more devious 
approach involving a new test system and repeated attempts to install the 
same packages on it as were on the live system until I found the one that 
was causing the trouble. It was then a simple matter to remove it from the 
world file, where it shouldn't have been in the first place, and I can now 
dispense with the test system.

So I could have saved myself several days of head-banging if I'd just looked 
in the world file - I'd have noticed the offender straight away. 20-20 
hindsight. Wonderful.

> Most folks around here have done this at some point and there doesn't
> seem to be a shortcut :-)



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