On November 12, 2008, Peter Alfredsen wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 November 2008, Dmitry S. Makovey wrote:
> > Hi everybody,
> >
> > I've just updated to 4.1.3 (slotted alongside with 3.5.9) and all of
> > sudden konqueror and akregator (didn't test much more, but I'm sure
> > something else was broke too) stopped launching hinting that there is
> > a CSS version mistmatch blah-blah-blah. Path to CSS suggested that
> > 4.1.3 was using CSS from 3.5.9 which was bizzare since it was working
> > before.
> You need to go fully ~arch on KDE for them to co-exist in a nicer way.

looking at BGO I somehow don't feel too encouraged to go fully ~arch ;)


most of bugs listed above suggest that things break when moving in 3.5.10 
direction. I'm not really prepeared to part with 1 stable platform in favor 
of using 2 unstable ones ;)

I'll have to live with workarounds for a while I think, since I really depend 
on 3.5.x (i.e. fully functional KDE) and 4.1.3 is more of sneak-peek and an 
attempt to adjust/get used to the "new way" ahead of time :)

Another silly question that bothers me now: KDE3 menu displayes "double" 
entires for most KDE applications whereas KDE4 doesn't. Did anybody try to 
solve this one (even as a workaround)? This behavior was there ever since I 
first tried KDE-4.0.x.

Dmitry Makovey
Web Systems Administrator
Athabasca University
(780) 675-6245

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