Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 19:06:06 -0600, Dale wrote:
>> Light bulb warning.  So null and console are on the drive for it to
>> start up but once it mounts /dev then it uses that "virtual" thing? 
>> Cool, if I understand that correctly. 
> Yes, those two devices are needed before udev starts,so they have to be on
> the root filesystem. If you have anything else in dev on the root
> filesystem, you are only wasting space.

I got it transfered over.  I noticed something weird tho.  I was booted
from the CD.  When I was checking the permissions to make sure things
were going well, it kept showing gentoo:users instead of dale:users for
example.  The ones that were root were fine but the ones that should be
dale:users was gentoo:users.  I stopped and reformatted the drives and
it always did the same thing.  I finally gave in and let it copy anyway.

After it was copied, I chroot'ed in and all the permissions were like
they should be including dale:users.  Any idea why it did that?  It did
the same thing with both rsync -ax and cp -av.  Just thought it was
weird is all.

I did copy null and console over after deleting the rest.  I also
checked /sys and /proc to make sure.

I also ran the fragck on it again.  I got this:

3.26229678132721% non contiguous files, 1.08394810041292 average fragments.

Not to bad I guess.  There is about 500,000 files or so. 


:-)  :-) 

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