On Sunday 21 December 2008 14:20:49 Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Mark Kirkwood <mar...@paradise.net.nz> wrote:
> > LOL - Joerg was just making a point that GNU variant of cp is a little
> > different from the 'standard' UNIX (hmm  - is there really such a
> > thing?) version of cp. Err, on this list the point is a little oblique
> > to say the least - since all Linux userland is GNU.
> Which is a problem as the GNU tools do not support Linux specific features.
> For this reason, GNU cp cannot copy all file metadata on Linux....
> It seems that people don't like me because I do write portable software
> that supports Linux specific features and that allow to do better than
> software that is unaware of platform specific features.

You are running into the age-old battle between being provably correct and 
some other party being merely "good enough"

Unfortunately in human societies it's almost always the latter that seems to 

> > P.s : As a Freebsd desktop user myself, I can get what Joerg is saying,
> > but for the majority of purely Linux users on this list, the point is
> > probably lost.
> If you are on Solaris, things are even more obscure as people sometimes
> incorrectly set up their PATH and by accident call the GNU tools that
> do not support Solaris specific features.
> I thought that people should be interested in learning that it is bad to
> give advise based on generic third party tools without telling that
> the tool is neither a local tool nor the generic UNIX tool. Gcp is
> a third party tool on Linux and there is no generic Linux cp ;-)

There is indeed no native Linux tools, because Linux is just a kernel. The 
userland is whatever the user decides to put on the machine; talking 
about "Linux behaviour" is usually a nonsensical statement as there is no 
such thing. What does exist is "GNU userland behaviour" and that at least is 
mostly standardized. But put a BusyBox userland on atop a Linux kernel and 
you get a different set of behaviours

I find it makes much more sense to not mention the OS much, rather state the 
userland in use and code to that

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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