On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 09:53:07 +0800, Mark David Dumlao wrote:

> As I said there aren't even any terms to search for when you're
> getting ignored. If I had known that the problem was html mails from
> the start, then i would have already corrected the issue before
> searching the archive.

You're missing a major point here. The reason to not use HTML here is not
because you might be ignored, that may not be the reason you got no
response,but because the majority of this community don't like it.
Instead of trying to make your personal problem with a lack of a solution
to a particular problem into a general issue, look at trying to fit into
the community you joined two years ago.

This is a USER list where users try to help each other out of a spirit of
co-operation and friendliness. While it is free in cost, there are
conditions to the help, one of which is that you respect others.

Neil Bothwick

"Bother," said Pooh, "Eeyore, ready two photon torpedoes and lock
phasers on the Heffalump, Piglet, meet me in transporter room three"

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