On 22 Dec 2008, at 11:33, b.n. wrote:
Stroller ha scritto:
I intended to stay silent, however I feel obliged to balance the posts
from brullonu...@gmail.com

You could answer to my emails, argumenting in detail. I hope we're not
here to "score points", but to understand what to do to solve the

In my humble opinion, just mocking the guy and perpetuating the status
quo is not a solution, but hey, I could be wrong :)

There's no point in me argumenting in detail, because it's all been said before. This is a storm in a teacup, and could easily have been avoided if the OP had only asked *politely* "what's all the fuss about HTML emails?" He could then have filed a bug about the missing netiquette sections of the list's welcome message and simply conducted himself without drawing unnecessary attention. As it is I find it difficult to put my finger on behaviour that would characterise the OP to me as "offensive", but I have found the "tone" of his emails to be persistently antagonising.

I would never feel it appropriate to mock the afflicted, and only posted to reassert points that have already been made. I find it not in the least credible to suggest that the original mail was *really* ignored because of its formatting, and the OP is not *in the least* "right in demanding apologies".

Mr Sebrecht's suggestion to use plain text was perfectly civil & courteous, and making one's debut in a community by inappropriately "demanding apologies" is certain to provoke negative responses. This thread was already *well* out of hand by the time we replied to it, and I see no need to further perpetuate it.


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