Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> On Saturday 27 December 2008 21:13:49 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
>>> I have this in my make.conf:
>>>    PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND="ionice -c 3 -p \${PID}"
>>> Helped a bit.  But still the GUI (KDE 3.5.10) gets pretty laggy. 
>>> Just a
>>> few hours ago I updated to gcc-4.3.2-r1.  Even with nice 19 and ionice
>>> 3, lag is there.
>>> I hope someone finds the magic button in the kernel config to fix
>>> that :P
>> There isn't one - at least not one that really works.
>> Linux mostly ignores NICE and has done so since day one. The reason
>> according to Linux himself on some LKML post quite a while back is
>> that Linux has a semi-decent task scheduler and nice is a 100% manual
>> task scheduler.
> It got worse with kernel 2.6.28, btw, especially mouse cursor
> movement.  It gets stuck and skips very noticeably.  Fortunately, it's
> not a point yet where I would describe it as unusable, but if the
> trend continues, desktop will be totally unusable by 2.6.31/32 when
> doing something that produces load.

So it is not just me that has screwy mouse movement.  I been using a old
kernel for a while now and even thought it was just a wrong setting on
my part.

Has anyone been telling the kernel folks about this problem so they can
fix it or roll something back?


:-)  :-) 

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