On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 01:42:22PM -0500, Denis wrote:
> I just installed Xorg on the older Dell machine, for which I have a
> 17-inch Sony LCD screen.  Before I did anything with X, my screen
> colors were just like I'm used to.  Now, I fired up X, got it to work
> fine, and the colors are fine, but then I kill X and go back to text
> mode, and the colors in text mode are all wrong, like I'm using a
> dying CRT that's not firing right.  I go back to X, and the colors are
> fine again.  Back to text mode - same deal.  Is X setting some
> variable wrong when it shuts off, or do I need to tweak something?
> Using manual controls on the LCD menu don't help at all.  Anyone run
> into this before and might know what to do about this?

Maybe the video card? 

I had something similar to this happening on my desktop with an old
nvidia card. Throughout the years, shutting down X may give one of the

  a) business as usual, nothing wrong.
  b) the computer thinking the screen is bigger than it actually is:
the upper left corner is okay, but the 3 right most columns and the
bottom row (of my 80x25 text display) is off the screen. The text is a
bit bigger than it ought to be.
  c) blank screen. The computer still responds: I can "type" xinit
without seeing anything and get back into an X session. Just nothing
is displayed on the screen. 
  d) funky colors on the screen, which may also accompany b). 

I never did figure out what is wrong. The behaviour is transient: if I
just start X again, and then shut-off, it not always give the same
problem. I suspect it is the video card because I remember noting that
it behaved better after a certain version of nVidia driver. But I
can't be certain because the bug is awfully un-reproducible. 

This probably doesn't help much... but I just want to throw in my two

Willie W. Wong                                      ww...@math.princeton.edu
408 Fine Hall,  Department of Mathematics,  Princeton University,  Princeton
A mathematician's reputation rests on the number of bad proofs he has given.

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