Dmitry Makovey wrote:

I was tracking KDE-4.x for a while now while sticking to "stable" KDE-3.5, 
which in gentoo's case is 3.5.9. Trying to get KDE-4.2 installed spits out a blocker:

[blocks B     ] <=kde-base/kdebase-startkde-3.5.10 
("<=kde-base/kdebase-startkde-3.5.10" is blocking kde-base/kdelibs-4.2.0)

which for me means switching to *2* testing platforms (3.5.10 and 4.2) when I 
want to test only 1 (4.2).

Now my question is: how safe is it to do a workaround, and create local version 
of kde-base/kdelibs-4.2.0-r1 ebuild (say, -r2) which removes the block and just 
stick with 3.5.9 on 3.5 side ? I really don't feel like unmasking 3.5.10 builds 
and building them too.

another confusing thing is:
which I read as "you're fine using kde-3.5.9 as long as you don't use 
startkde". kind of weird.

I know you didn't ask for this answer, but KDE 3.5.10 is *not* masked. It's in ~arch. It should be a safe/stable update since it's a bug-fix release (and I assume it's the last release of the KDE3 series.)

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