Philip Webb wrote:
090131 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
Dmitry Makovey wrote:
I was tracking KDE-4.x for a while while sticking to "stable" KDE-3.5.,, Trying to get KDE-4.2 installed spits out a blocker: [blocks B ] <=kde-base/kdebase-startkde-3.5.10 ("<=kde-base/kdebase-startkde-3.5.10" is blocking kde-base/kdelibs-4.2.0) which for me means switching to *2* testing platforms (3.5.10 and 4.2) Now my question is: how safe is it to do a workaround
KDE 3.5.10 is *not* masked. It's in ~arch. It should be a safe/stable update since it's a bug-fix release

I've been using 3.5.10 since 080924 without any problems:
just update to that & then try emerging 4.2.0 .

My feeling remains that KDE 4 is more eye-candy than useful,

That has always been a goal with KDE anyway. We can't have OS X and Vista/Windows 7 win those beauty contests, now can we ;)

Anyway, 4.2.0 is what sealed the deal for me. I went back to KDE 3 after trying KDE 4.0. I went again back to 3 after trying the first 4.1 version. And again after the latest 4.1 update (4.1.4). With 4.2.0, it seems it is a worthy replacement for KDE 3 for me. I didn't login to KDE 3 since I installed it (2 days ago). I like it, but I hope no show-stopper shows up :P

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