El Mie, 4 de Febrero de 2009, 14:19, Nikos Chantziaras escribió:
> Sebastián Magrí wrote:
>> Also, Gentoo is a great school. If you want to learn how a Linux system
>>  works, and really want to learn about Unix systems, then Gentoo is the
>>  best for you.
> I don't get that argument.  I didn't learn how Linux or Unix works with
> Gentoo.  I didn't even find my prior knowledge of Unix and Linux of much
> use either.  Typing "emerge package" and "dispatch-conf" doesn't offer me
> much knowledge.  It's as simple as Debian in this regard.
> If I wanted a "learn Unix" distro, I would be using Slackware :P

Gentoo forces you to use linux in the sense that you need to
do all the work by yourself to install it. What you describe is
just the regular update/install process, which is simple enough
as you said.

But installing the OS is another thing. Not too difficult, but
without a doubt you need to know or learn the basics of linux
to be able to handle it. Most distros just require that you put
the cd in the tray and press next, then you appear into a kde
or gnome desktop.

In Gentoo the installation is manual and you need to deal with
a lot of basic stuff. For an experienced user, to install Gentoo
is a piece of cake, no doubt.

Also, note that he said "linux", and not "unix". If you want to
learn "Unix", then slackware is no more Unix-like than gentoo,
it might be even less. For a unix-like OS look into solaris or
any bsd flavor instead.

Jesús Guerrero

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