Joshua D Doll wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Paul Hartman
>> <> wrote:     
>> I completely agree. I like the control also.
>> I only took a *very* small exception to Joshua's statement that a 'new
>> user' could read, follow it and understand what it's telling him/her
>> to do and then do it and come out with a working machine. I think it's
>> true if the new user builds exactly the 3 partition example shown in
>> the docs and does *only* the very basic install on a machine that
>> doesn't have Windows, etc. However I think that the docs (not the
>> software!) could be improved to handle things like dual-boot, either
>> another distro or windows, etc. which personally I think 'new users'
>> come up against. Issues about stuff like where to put the MBR, why and
>> why not to do that sort of thing, requires (or is vastly enhanced) if
>> that new user has some knowledge about hard drives, booting, etc.
>> - Mark
> I 100% agree that the docs can and should cover more. Maybe a
> flowchart would be useful?
> --Joshua Doll

I wish the man pages had more examples.  Give me a real world example
and I can wrap my poor brain around what it should look like when I do


:-)  :-)

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