On Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:17:53 -0600
Mike Diehl <mdi...@diehlnet.com> wrote:

> It seems that as
> long as I keep rebuilding machines from a current live CD, all is
> well.  But if I try to upgrade anything else, I end up having to
> reformat.  I've been using Gentoo long enough to have actually met
> Daniel Robbins in person, but I'm considering moving to a different
> distribution.

I would say that if you do a complete world update at least every six
months, followed by revdep-rebuild, keeping Gentoo up-to-date should be
relatively painless, excluding all the blockers you have to resolve.
emerge -uDNav world
revdep-rebuild -i -- -a

The libselinux problems you ran into are known, but that's also the
reason why libselinux is masked on all recent profiles.


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